
Node: tfn

Node Info
Node ID02258ef4b60edd70bb5b004baa2008eb974f8972f516a414627fe83fdb6ebef60c
Capacity 0.36 BTC
Active Channels6.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
746693x2115x0tfnLightning.Wa...0.20 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
747739x96x1tfnWalletOfSato...50.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
747835x1495x1tfnACINQ44.89 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
747983x1666x1tfnbipa99.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
747998x264x1tfnLNBϟG [Hub-1...97.50 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
748911x311x1tfnnicehash-ln150.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
749162x1556x1tfnHowardRoark47.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
753706x749x1tfnNordicRails50.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
755022x1628x1tfnallNice | to...60.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes ⚡✨56.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes