

Node Info
Node ID03c2b5e97173e2ff7baea106a34a165e0213b6c5148441ea97785b35a78a506299
Capacity 2.79 BTC
Active Channels27.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
613725x2489x1ln1.1sat.org1.ln.aantono...6.00 mBTCabout 5 years agoover 1 year agoYes
614923x1878x1ln1.1sat.orgFold180.00 mBTCabout 5 years agoalmost 2 years agoYes
631536x798x1ln1.1sat.orgOpenNode.com160.00 mBTCalmost 5 years agoover 1 year agoYes
637808x498x0ln1.1sat.orgDelmonte Lig...0.50 mBTCover 4 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
661158x1381x0ln1.1sat.orgrootodoqz5.00 mBTCabout 4 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
673524x1526x1ln1.1sat.orgBitrefill Ro...160.00 mBTCalmost 4 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
673545x1437x1ln1.1sat.org03a503d8e30f...64.00 mBTCalmost 4 years agoalmost 2 years agoYes
673564x933x1ln1.1sat.orgsphinxroutin...70.00 mBTCalmost 4 years ago12 months agoYes
675025x1558x0ln1.1sat.orgzlnd06.00 mBTCalmost 4 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
684625x1783x0ln1.1sat.orgCryptometre ...14.58 mBTCalmost 4 years ago12 months agoYes