
Node: BitKassa LN34961 [LND]

Node Info
Node ID0231eccc6510eb2e1c97c8a190d6ea096784aa7c358355442055aac8b20654f932
AliasBitKassa LN34961 [LND]
Capacity 8.57 BTC
Active Channels290.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
564150x395x0BitKassa LN3...electrolyt _...20.00 mBTCabout 6 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
579315x1783x1BitKassa LN3...Nightling 🌙10.00 mBTCover 5 years agoover 1 year agoYes
598442x1282x0BitKassa LN3...Blockdaemon36.63 mBTCover 5 years agoover 1 year agoYes
605797x2905x1BitKassa LN3...ndnd40.00 mBTCover 5 years agoalmost 2 years agoYes
617229x1936x0BitKassa LN3...Bitcoinmeest...20.00 mBTCabout 5 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
624881x1932x0BitKassa LN3...mjolnir167.77 mBTCalmost 5 years agoover 1 year agoYes
642259x837x0BitKassa🇺�...100.00 mBTCover 4 years agoover 1 year agoYes
642531x1411x1BitKassa LN3...LNBiG🇺🇦[ln...100.00 mBTCover 4 years agoover 1 year agoYes
674192x1121x1BitKassa LN3...020d777a491a...2.00 mBTCalmost 4 years agoover 1 year agoYes
678557x948x0BitKassa LN3...03ce3679664e...1.75 mBTCalmost 4 years agoabout 2 years agoYes