
Node: Binance

Node Info
Node ID03a1f3afd646d77bdaf545cceaf079bab6057eae52c6319b63b5803d0989d6a72f
Capacity 507.66 BTC
Active Channels206.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has reduced bydecreased28.40 BTC.
- The node's channel count has fallen bydecreased17.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing has increased byincreased1 places, as per the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings.
- The node's capacity has expanded byincreased140.25 BTC.
- The node's channel count has risen byincreased67.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
794303x1147x0BinanceKraken 🐙⚡10.00 BTC11 months ago11 months agoYes
794432x1472x0BinanceKraken 🐙⚡10.00 BTC11 months ago6 months agoYes
794437x368x1Binanceokx5.00 BTC11 months ago5 months agoYes
795003x2154x1BinanceKraken 🐙⚡5.00 BTC11 months ago5 months agoYes
795038x1835x1Binancebfx-lnd15.00 BTC11 months ago5 months agoYes
795179x3253x0Binancebfx-lnd15.00 BTC11 months ago5 months agoYes
799075x2134x0BinanceWalletOfSato...4.00 BTC10 months ago3 months agoYes
803622x590x1BinanceRiver Financ...2.00 BTC9 months ago9 months agoYes
803622x591x1BinanceRiver Financ...2.00 BTC9 months ago9 months agoYes
803664x2662x1BinanceRiver Financ...2.00 BTC9 months ago9 months agoYes