
Node: be glass

Node Info
Node ID02e7325acff0bd65e0425a30827abdb2b73cd08d5436bd4ed0fc9e08fae0c25835
Aliasbe glass
Capacity 0.04 BTC
Active Channels6.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
771685x1385x0be glassLN-Fukaya Ja...0.30 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
771689x2019x0be glassCoinPayments1.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
771932x1591x0be glassnimbus1.10 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
771953x486x0be glass0334024afcf3...2.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
773600x938x0be glassFrankTheLNTa...1.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
786264x2867x0be glassPodcast Inde...2.50 mBTCalmost 2 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
786310x1664x0be glassACINQ10.00 mBTCalmost 2 years agoabout 1 year agoYes
786396x2400x0be glassGollum.BTC5.00 mBTCalmost 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
786433x1675x1be glassWalletOfSato...50.00 mBTCalmost 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
786637x1427x0be glassxgfreon7.00 mBTCalmost 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes