
Node: 0296397b14a259406a87

Node Info
Node ID0296397b14a259406a8750e201219d54e8daa0cfefded13322b339b1640e12684d
Capacity 0.04 BTC
Active Channels2.00

Over the past 7 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.

Over the past 30 days:

- The node's standing in the Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity rankings has remained stable.
- The node's capacity has stayed consistent, with no change.
- The node's channel count has sustained its previous count with no decrement.
Close Channels
Channel ID
Node 1Node 2
Open Time
Closed Time
TxidClosing Tx
764429x1960x00296397b14a2...Looping Loui...20.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
764531x1433x10296397b14a2...039792a8c587...20.00 mBTCover 2 years agoabout 2 years agoYes
765999x49x00296397b14a2...clayop10.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
771936x1249x10296397b14a2...adam.mastero...10.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772171x1414x10296397b14a2...Misfit Node10.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772233x2453x10296397b14a2...thehouseofob...10.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772720x968x10296397b14a2...AgX🗲10.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772847x1414x00296397b14a2...BTC is Inevi...30.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772850x1088x10296397b14a2...Asanoha.Gold30.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoover 1 year agoYes
772913x533x10296397b14a2...icehouse sat...5.00 mBTCabout 2 years agoalmost 2 years agoYes