
Bitcoin B2B - Volume

As of
Correlation Score

B2B (Business-to-Business) Volume aims to track the amount exchanged between different Businesses. A good example might be transactions from merchants to exchanges. Use case: merchants want to convert their received BTC to a stable coin.

The algorithm infers institutional addresses using this 3 metrics:

  • Transactions frequency
  • Time the accounts do a high amount of transactions
  • Amount spent and received

Assumptions made:

  • High transactions frequency is a good indicator of an account that does programmatic transactions.
  • Business accounts seem to be active every day or follow a pretty strict activity pattern.
  • Businesses move a lot more money than Customers.


  • Only On-chain data was used to compute this metric. Transactions executed off-chain on Lightning Network are not being taken into account.
  • Customers addresses are all addresses that the algorithm did not infer as Business addresses.
  • Correlation Score is the Pearson correlation coefficient. This number represents the correlation between the amount of HODLer accounts and the Bitcoin price.
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